

All-in-one Hotel Reputation Management Platform

insightV integrates data from all major OTA sites through the organic combination of big data and internet mining technology. With our proprietary content analysis technology, we help hotels to track down customer preferences, manage online reputation, improve hotel operation efficiency, and enhance competitiveness and hotel ROI.

Here are the major features:

Reputation Monitoring

Consolidated major OTA sites on a single platform, you can grasp the diverse online dynamics at ease through our analysis visualized into dashboards and tables.

Reputation Ranking

Evaluate industry standard, monitor the performance of your direct competitors, to help you adjust business strategies with the upper hand.

Complaint Alert

Customized instant alert system keeps you updated with complaints and negative comments that may affect the reputation of your hotel.

Operation Quality Analysis

With well-recognized content analysis methodology we deploy, the platform captures sentiments from textual reviews, and induced into strengths and weaknesses of hotels. It gives you a data-based reference to optimize hotel operation and enhance performance of the hotel.

Customer Profile

Analyze customers' profile and characteristics, engage your customers and keep them coming back.

Comprehensive Reporting

Provide full spectrum analysis reports on online reputation performance regularly, to help you find-and-shoot problems and adjust operation.

Product Trial
If you're interested in cooperation, please contact us at (852) 3421 0766.